
From the wounds of a small child produced and release the scars of an adult woman.

The journey was long and sometimes brutal. From relationships that birthed abuse, pain, rejection, abandonment, to drugs, promiscuity, low self-esteem, to anger, alcohol, and finally to suicidal tendencies.

Silence is a golden lesson, when released it will teach you some informative information of transparency healing and deliverance.

After a long time of silence, I was moved by the Holy Spirit...

I am Darlene Alexander-Spraglin, CEO of DFC Coaching/Consulting Services, LLC.

After a long time of silence, I was moved by the Holy Spirit to open up and release the journey that I had come through because there are more women going through or coming out of “The Rough”, like me.

Surprisingly some women are afraid to open up because they’ve been paralyzed by fear, threatened of being “judged” and so they bury their pain, while others want to keep up the front and camouflage their dignity because of shame and embarrassment. But I choose to speak out and help my peers and sisters to know you are not alone. There is light at the end of the tunnel; you can get out of “The Rough” and sparkle like a “Diamond”. This is why I call this program “Diamonds from the Rough”, my Alabaster Box Experience. Perhaps you’re in the rough of life’s trenches right now, you’ve tried everything to better your situation and you found yourself right back where you started. Someone even said, “You wouldn’t amount to anything”, and you believed them. They kept feeding you the lie. I’m here to tell you different; I’ve been there and the famous words of a “Woman of Wisdom” once told me, “When you have had enough of a thing, you’ll know what to do.” We invite you with open arms to this program. We’ve have helped children, teenagers, young people, adults, and seniors from the following cases:

  • Drug Addiction
  • Abuse
  • Prostitution
  • Promiscuity
  • Alcoholism
  • Low self-esteem
  • Homosexuality
  • Lesbianism
  • Families reunited
  • Women found their purpose as wives, mothers, and in the community
  • Entrepreneurs Birth
  • Ministries Birth – Children gained perspective of themselves and learned how to honor and respect their parents.

We are Mother & Daughter; Pastor Geneva Alexander, Prophetess Darlene A Spraglin and we have had the opportunity to worked with Bishops, Pastors, Apostle, Prophets, Ministers & Gospel Music Giants; “Pastor Geneva Alexander” have 71 years in Christian service and Prophetess Darlene Spraglin have 57 years in Christian service. Both are licensed and ordained ministers. We’ve traveled extensively with crusades, conferences, seminars, singing, preaching, teaching, performing signs and wonders through the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Working with some of gospel’s best have developed and broadened our scope and advancement for the Kingdom, the humility we process has opened doors that only God could do, and for that all the glory goes to God.

Here are the reasons you can depend on Darlene Spraglin to help you release your past, heal and prepare you for a fulfilled purpose-driven future:

  • REPUTABLE – Darlene Spraglin has a respected leader in her field and community.
  • EXPERIENCED – Our proudest accomplishment is the large number of long term clients who put their trust in us year after year.
  • INTEGRITY – Building a reputation of integrity takes years, but it takes only a second to lose. We don’t believe in cutting corners. The foundation of our reputation is our commitment to do the right thing at all times, regardless of whether anyone is watching.
  • RESOURCES – We offer a wide variety of development and training programs built on timeless principles that get results.
  • CUSTOMIZABLE – All of our curriculum can be customized to specifically address your individual and organizational needs.
  • 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE – We want you to be completely satisfied with our services. We will do whatever it takes to make you happy. No hassles, no problems.

Darlene Alexander-Spraglin

Inglewood, California

"I was a total wreck; in pain and agony, abused, mistreated, broken and suicidal ready to throw myself in Marina Del Rey Ocean, until God himself rescue me.

That was 40 years ago. As I look back over my life; I would have missed so much that God had for me, even you. You are not alone, what you are going through is making you the answer for someone else.

Don't give up nor throw in the towel, there is a purpose and a passion for your pain.

You are the "Key" for someone else's deliverance."

Shelly Bell

S.B., Alabama

"I had the opportunity to work with Coach Darlene, throughout my life, through drug abuse, abusive relationships, low self-esteem a strawberry walking the streets looking for my next fix and my next trick, trying to appease the ache and pain the drug was craving for. She came looking for me one night when I was headed in the wrong direction. The light she shines comes from above; God sent her to me.

The group of people I was with could not stand against the anointing she carries. I can truly say that this is a wonderful program if you’re serious about taking a leap of faith and living your best life ever, then take this course. I have given my life to Christ and attend her weekly Bible Study called "Walking in the Scriptures & Speak the Truth", and the weekly "Sunday School Golden Nuggets".

I have been sober for over 30 years making my way with the help of the Holy Spirit. I have relocated and living my best life ever. I have two beautiful children and several grandchildren. I work for an awesome Company and have a beautiful home."

Evelyn Alexander


"I don’t know where I’d be if God had not intervened in my life using these two powerful women.

My baggage was deep, unbending, and relentless, from domestic violence, reckless relationships one after another, cocaine addiction. Shattered self-esteem.

Their tenacity and love for me and pouring into me have redirected me from the pain to the promise; and for that I am so grateful. I have been sobered over 35 years and have given my life to Christ; I never looked back.

My life has turned 180-degree turn. I am a homeowner, and I have a handsome son who’s in the military making great strides, I work as a Home Health Care Provider, and all I can say “To God be the Glory"."

Download your FREE GIFT NOW!

DIAMONDS FROM THE ROUGH: 5 Steps to Empty Your Alabaster Box to Being Diamonds from the Rough by Darlene Spraglina

This eBook is one of Darlene Spraglin's most popular publications available as a free download. Inside of this ebook, you will learn:

  • Inner Purging
  • Forgiveness
  • Stopping the Pain & Reducing the Stress
  • Loving a Man without Fear, Is it Lust or Love?
  • Preparation for Achieving the Dream Relationship & or Marriage